ore 20:00 opening [Sound Art Exhibition]
ore 21:00 ACOUSMATIC SESSION concerto
ore 21:30 FLAVIA MAZZANTI /// NEXUM audiovisual
ore 22:00 FRANZ ROSATI /// LATENTSCAPE live AV performance
ore 23:00 SIMON WHETHAM /// SUCCESSIVE ACTIONS live performance
ore 19:00 workshop gratuito su Ableton Live 11 con Andrea Fiorito
ore 20:00 opening [Sound Art Exhibition]
ore 21:30 TOVEL + MAZZONELLI + WEGHER /// THE ACT OF TOUCH mixed media performance
ore 22:30 PIER ALFEO live performance
ore 20:00 opening [Sound Art Exhibition]
ore 21:00 CONCERTO PER FISARMONICA + ELETTRONICA mixed media music
ore 22:00 ALBERTO NOVELLO /// BLACK LIGHT live performance
ore 23:00 ROZENHALL – BACKMAN audiovisual